You can make a living with what you get.
You can make a life with what you give.
So make a life for yourself.

Our Clients

- Elderly citizens who are living far below the government poverty level
- The family whose breadwinner was injured on the job or stricken with illness
- Families who have sustained major medical bills and have to make a choice between eating, heating or paying bills
- The mentally and or physically handicapped, unable to manage their resources
- Abused and abandoned wives and children
- Able-bodied workers who are unable to work because of strike, plan layoff, fire or environmental hazards

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What We Give

Every recipient referred to us receives the following:
Cereal, canned fruit and vegetable, dried beans, rice, grits, saltines, peanut butter, jelly, powered milk, cooking oil, eggs, margarine, orange juice, hot dogs, chickens, bread and rolls, soap, laundry detergent and toilet paper plus other extras that are donated to us.

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Our Purpose

Martha's Mission Cupboard is an emergency food pantry, solely ran by volunteers, established to provide the needy citizens of Carteret County a temporary supply of nutritious and balanced food at no cost.

Our goal is to tide them over during a temporary financial crisis or while they are awaiting permanent assistance from the State or Federal Government.

Martha's Mission Cupboard is a non-profit, tax exempt corporation, not affiliated with any church or religious organization. We have a 15 member Board of Directors and 50 (mostly retired senior citizen non-paid volunteers) who assist in the distribution of food, the administrative work and fund-raising activities.

How Martha's Mission Serves The Community

Martha's Mission provides food to an average of 300 and 350 families every month. Families in need of food are screened and referred to us by State or Federal social service agencies in Carteret County. The amount of food given to each family depends on the number of people in the family.

A list of foods that we regularly collect: canned vegetables, canned fruits, peanut butter, jams and jellies, cooking oil, cereal (adult and children), flour, sugar and rice. But for the holidays, we especially need the following for our goodie bags: dressing mix, spaghetti and pasta sauce, canned meat, popcorn, cool aid, cake mixes and frosting, cracker sets, and all personal hygiene items.

We are also accepting monetary donations here.

Thank you in advance for contributing to our service here at Martha's Mission. You help to keep our shelves stocked to help meet the needs of those in our county depending on us to provide food.

Our Operation

When the client arrives at Martha's Mission after being screened by the Department of Social Services he or she presents a referral form to the volunteer working the desk.

The volunteer at the desk review the referral form, and checks to see if and when the client was last here. Information from the referral form is recorded in a permanent register and the referral date is entered on a daily summary sheet.

Based on the number of people in the family, packers bag the appropriate amount of food for the family.


Our biggest expense is the food we buy - either from local suppliers or from the North Carolina Food Bank. Our buyer keeps a tight control over the purchases and buys only from those who give us favorable prices.

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